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Saturday, May 7, 2011

Prince Sheogorath of the Shivering Isles

If you have read earlier posts, you might well know that I just love video games, particularly RPGs.  Oblivion IV was my very first RPG ever and it was truly the game that drew me into that genre.  Before it, I was a strictly first person shooter fan, you would have never caught me playing anything else.  Halo, Gears of War, Left 4 Dead, you name it I probably played it! 

Now the entire game of Oblivion IV is just truly remarkable, but the one thing about it that I'll never forget is the Shivering Isles downloadable content.  Another thing to keep in mind with this is yes it was my first dive into an RPG game, but also I played it right after being diagnosed with Bipolar II disorder.  So, with that said, when I first encountered this Shivering Isles I felt as though someone had looked through my eyes and created this fantasy world just for me.  I fell in love with the place right away.  You walk through one of the doors (dementia or mania) and its truly a beautiful, and yet artificial, world.  Large tree trunks twist up to mushroom tops, flowers that are so wondefully colorful dot the rolling green fields, and at night as you look up you watch as pink and purple galaxies and nebulas float across the night sky.  Its a truly artistic and beautiful world.  What really drew me in was seeing the two sides to this city.  You have the dementia side which is dark and twisted, but all you have to do is walk through a door and you'll enter the bright colorful world of mania.  Now considering I had been struggling at this time with my new diagnosis of Bipolar it literally was a reflection of myself.  This world had two sides as if someone took me, split me in half, and let me walk around a world that reflected these two sides of myself.  I loved it!!!!!!!

I spent a lot of time wandering around this game land just enjoying the view when I decided that it was time to move on with the game and work my way towards the end.  That is when I met Prince Sheogorath, the creater and master of Shivering Isles.  He is so wonderfully entertaining that I fell in love right away with this character.  He rambles on continously switching quickly between threats of death and lementations of joy that you are there.  He is an extreme of what I was at this time of my life.....a complete nut case!  Swinging back and forth between happiness and anger this Prince couldn't be more humerous.  Even now.. a good couple years since I first played this game, I still smile at the thought of speaking with this truly mad character.  The thought that consistantly stuck with me was, "if he were a real person, he would be truly fun to just hang out with."  I have to congratulate the designers of this game and the storyboard writers who came up with his laughable rants.

If I had any skill in writing, I think I would write an ode to the Prince of Madness.  But considering my lack of talent, I'll just have to live with this short blog entry.


A New Phase

Last night we had our pinning ceremony for the Vet Tech program and it made me realize how I'm entering into a new phase in my life.  I've been in and out of various college programs never quite sure as to what I wanted to do with my life and so because of this, I never actually imagined myself being out of college.  Nine years I've been going to college and now its all coming to an end.  I do find it exciting, but also a bit unnerving.  Where do I go from here?  Of course I plan to start working as soon as I can and in the fall I start my bachelor's degree.  I guess I just can't stay away from school!  But what happens in two years when I'm done with that?  What happens when my husband finishes grad school?  What do you have to aim for after all of this is said and done?  So many questions and never any answers.  I suppose that is why life is so interesting... it keeps you on your toes.
