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Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Dragon's Dogma *Spoilers Inside*

Dragon's Dogma has been receiving some high recommendations and high scores, but for once I have to disagree with the Gamespot newsletter.  Dragon's Dogma had a bizarre story line and merely OK graphics that felt cartoonish (when competing with such games like Skyrim).  RPG's are built around their story lines and this one was reaching.  It didn't make sense (now it very well could have explained more when progressing through the game but I never did finish it).  It begins with the end, which is such an overdone ploy.  After you complete the ending you go to the character screen which allows you to design your character, this is such a confusing screen where it makes you pick a "basic model" but then doesn't give clear indications of how to further customize your character.  After figuring this out the game begins with a lengthy intro cut scene showing your town being attacked by a dragon.  As the townsfolk flee, the video continues showing you grab a sword and attack the dragon.  After a bit the dragon looks down and sees your sword pinned in its paw and says something in some dragon language that you do not understand yet.  Here is where it really begins to become confusing, the dragon than pokes your heart out with one of its claws and swallows it whole while continuing to speak in the strange language but you are still alive.  So now begins your quest to regain your stolen heart.  So much is left to confusion, why were you so special?  why did he steal your heart?  why are the dragons returning?

You are allowed "companions" referred to as "Pawns" in the game which are creatures from the "rift" (I'm guessing this is similar to another realm or dimension) that have no emotions or free will.  Its hard to appreciate them considering they are not "real" characters and they have no back story or interesting qualities.  Another annoyance of these pawns is their continual speaking of moves during a fight scene.  Every spell, attack, or defense they use they shout out something about it popping up a dialogue box in your HUD. 

I know people have scored this game highly and I wish I shared their opinion, but it was very hard for me to get into this game.  I returned it rather quickly.  I hope if you play it that you enjoy it.


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