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Thursday, October 16, 2014

A Need

I'm going to write a bit off topic from my normal video game reviews.  I've been having this need, one so overwhelmingly powerful that it breaks my heart that I cannot pursue this need.  I have worked in medicine for 12 years, taking care of stubbed toes and drunks.  Working in the ICU as given me the opportunity to take care of people who truly need medical care and yet they are still ungrateful and rude.  The Ebola crisis as been rampant in the news and this is where my need comes from.  I have this desire to go and actually do what I was trained to do in medicine, help those in need.  So many people are dying, children are being left orphans, pain and chaos are blanketing these areas.  They have little medical supplies, lack of medical professionals, and lack of medication to help these poor people.  I know there is a major risk of traveling there and it is a quite high percentage of contracting Ebola yourself if you do, but this doesn't matter to me.  I need to help these people, I need to hold their hands and let them know that they are not alone and not forgotten.  There is only one problem, I can't.  I can't afford the costs for me to not work and travel to Africa to help these people.  The World Health Organization is accepting volunteers but I do not have a passport and there is no way to obtain one quickly.  I feel helpless listening to the news as the numbers increase relentlessly of cases and as political figures in Africa beg for help.  Every time the news turns towards Africa, I feel tears welling up in my eyes.  I wish I could go and help.  I would give anything for the opportunity to give to a community that so desperately needs assistance.  Luckily not all is lost, there are so many organizations here in the states that will need help gathering medical supplies to send to Africa, and I will have to be content with at least helping in that minor aspect.

Friday, July 12, 2013

Dr. Who

So I'm only about 2 seasons behind in the BBC's series Dr. Who (I need to catch up!).  I was finally introduced to the 11th doctor, Matt Smith about two days ago.  Being absolutely in love with David Tennant, I was reluctant to begin the seasons with the new doctor, hence my being so far behind.  Eventually though my love for the show overcame the fear of disliking Matt Smith and so I proceeded to start season 5.  I will gladly admit how wrong I was to nearly abandon the show!  Matt Smith is a wonderful doctor!  He is funny, witty, and quirky (all the traits I have come to love in the 10th doctor). Though my fondness for David Tennant as the doctor will never fade, I have thoroughly enjoyed Matt Smith.  Of course now that I have reacquainted myself with Dr. Who I read that they will be replacing Matt Smith (just my luck), and some sources even say with a woman.  Now I do hope that they decide against replacing the doctor with a woman; it just sounds preposterous to me.  The doctor has always been a male and I think seeing a woman will through my off.  But I did learn one thing during my hiatus from the show, never give up on the doctor, the new ones may be just as good as the last.


Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Dragon's Dogma *Spoilers Inside*

Dragon's Dogma has been receiving some high recommendations and high scores, but for once I have to disagree with the Gamespot newsletter.  Dragon's Dogma had a bizarre story line and merely OK graphics that felt cartoonish (when competing with such games like Skyrim).  RPG's are built around their story lines and this one was reaching.  It didn't make sense (now it very well could have explained more when progressing through the game but I never did finish it).  It begins with the end, which is such an overdone ploy.  After you complete the ending you go to the character screen which allows you to design your character, this is such a confusing screen where it makes you pick a "basic model" but then doesn't give clear indications of how to further customize your character.  After figuring this out the game begins with a lengthy intro cut scene showing your town being attacked by a dragon.  As the townsfolk flee, the video continues showing you grab a sword and attack the dragon.  After a bit the dragon looks down and sees your sword pinned in its paw and says something in some dragon language that you do not understand yet.  Here is where it really begins to become confusing, the dragon than pokes your heart out with one of its claws and swallows it whole while continuing to speak in the strange language but you are still alive.  So now begins your quest to regain your stolen heart.  So much is left to confusion, why were you so special?  why did he steal your heart?  why are the dragons returning?

You are allowed "companions" referred to as "Pawns" in the game which are creatures from the "rift" (I'm guessing this is similar to another realm or dimension) that have no emotions or free will.  Its hard to appreciate them considering they are not "real" characters and they have no back story or interesting qualities.  Another annoyance of these pawns is their continual speaking of moves during a fight scene.  Every spell, attack, or defense they use they shout out something about it popping up a dialogue box in your HUD. 

I know people have scored this game highly and I wish I shared their opinion, but it was very hard for me to get into this game.  I returned it rather quickly.  I hope if you play it that you enjoy it.


Deus Ex

Now granted I am not too far into this game,but I can easily say that it is pretty great. Graphics in game have improved since the 8 bit blocky creatures we played with back in the 80's, and this game is a testament to how far we truly have come.  It has a movie like quality with a reasonable amount of cut scenes (and not so much that it is overdone like in Mass Effect 3).  The characters do tend to move in robotic ways, but this is a minor flaw in my opinion.  The game itself has many same qualities like Splinter cell or Metal Gear Solid where stealth plays a major role in determing whether you can win, but it also allows for many different options or paths in order to obtain your objectives.  There are many options available and sometimes what seems straight forward can get you into trouble.  Taking down enemies can involve either killing them or merely knocking them out, but if your position is revealed you do not simply lose, but you are able to save yourself by taking down the enemies in your area and continuing on if able to without dying.  Of course if you manage to progress through your mission without detection you receive quite the XP bonus.  The game also allows the player to really decide how to progress through the game.  The player is often given choices as to how they wish to proceed through the game which is a quality I always enjoy.  For fans who enjoy stealth games I would highly recommend this one.


Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Skyrim *Spoilers Inside*

I just loved Oblivion and when I heard that the sequel Skyrim was soon to come out I was ecstatic!  So I began my adventure as I always do, a wood elf.  The graphics were amazing for a video game and the world is so real and open.  I have always loved how the Oblivion game was an open world that you could roam and experience so much.  Well Skyrim lived up to those similar standards and the world this time was even more amazing and detailed.  There were different regions with distinct weather patterns and environment types like swamps, mountains, plains, etc.  Each region hosted a large city surrounded by so many other places of interest that by the end my map was littered with so many icons I had to scroll through each to find what I was looking for.  The creatures in this game were also equally amazing, a couple of new members were the giants that were usually accompanied by mammoths and of course the dragons.  They were definitely worthy foes.  The dragons were difficult at first, but through leveling it became a very thrilling event.  Each time I took down a dragon I found it hard to not smile and cheer.  The stories and missions were also entertaining.  My favorite would definitely be the "Escape from Pelagius' mind" of course this is all because they have Prince Sheogorath as your lovable guide and like my earlier post regarding Prince Sheogorath, he is hard not to like.  I only wish they had him play a larger role in the game, but I can at least be happy that they brought him back for an appearance!  I had many favorite cities in this game, including Markarth, a city built entirely of stone that towers over a valley below; Solitude, a city high above the ocean that is built on top of a natural land bridge; and Riften, a city with a dark underbelly that houses the thieves guild.  All areas of the map were beautiful and mesmerizing but those three cities were by far my favorite.  I say to any who are thinking of playing this game, "Have a blast!"


Monday, May 7, 2012

Mass Effect 3 Series *Spoilers Inside*

I have never been so disappointed in all my gaming life. The hype and build up that the Mass Effect series promised was squashed has I saw the ghost of some little boy come up to me and say choose a path. I have never minded games that make you choose but I have squandered so many hours into these games with the hope that the universe would be saved and all would be well. I believe the video creators decided to become Hollywood with this game by having nearly over half of it be movie clips with few fighting in between and a preachy ending where technology and advancing intellect equals chaos. I just wanted a simple RPG with awesome aliens to battle and instead I got a CG movie with a plot that even a two year old wouldn't believe in. There was such promise when the first Mass Effect came out and I am so sad to say that I regret playing it through to the end.

Saturday, December 31, 2011

A New Year

I was reading over some of my other posts and I thought, "boy I complain alot."  I never meant to come off always angry or only write what is upsetting but yet that is all I have done.  I began this with a positive outlook and wanted to use this opportunity to help me re-evaluate those thoughts that seem so negative.  I'm never one for New Year's Resolutions, but this year I'm going to break that.  I decided that instead of getting angry or upset at work or school and than getting on here to just complain, I'm instead going to get upset or angry and get on here to talk about something positive about that issue.

I'd like to begin with saying how much I like this one nurse's smile.  She occassionally smiles and when she does its a very nice, sincere and pretty smile.  I hope to see her smiling more this coming year and I hope that her life is less troubled and complicated.  Those she enjoys being around make her smile more and I do hope that those moments are frequent for her.

Now I must say, that felt a whole lot better than just whining and feeling depressed.  "Don't sweat the small stuff"... that's what they say right?
